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Hazard Vulnerability Analysis

All healthcare facilities are encouraged to complete an annual Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) for their organization. The HVA provides a systematic approach to identifying natural and man-made hazards and the potential impact that these hazards may have on individual healthcare facilities. The risks associated with each hazard are analyzed to prioritize planning, mitigation, response, and recovery activities. An HVA also provides the healthcare facility with a basis for determining the potential demand for healthcare services and other resources during a crisis. The information is then used to develop or revise the healthcare facility’s Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), and identify ways to mitigate the effects of a specific hazard(s).

Cities and counties also prepare HVAs. A healthcare facility’s/organization’s HVA should consider hazards identified in the community’s HVA.  Facilities are encouraged to contact their local jurisdiction’s Emergency Manager to obtain this information as it may assist you in developing the HVA for your facility. At a minimum, healthcare facilities should develop EOP annexes for managing the top 3 to 5 hazards they have identified in their HVA. Healthcare facility staff and volunteers should then receive training on the EOP and annexes. Exercises should be conducted to test various portions of the EOP after training is completed.

EVHC develops a regional healthcare HVA annually. The regional healthcare HVA is then used as a guidance document to focus on projects that will address regional healthcare emergency preparedness weaknesses and capability gaps.  A copy of our current HVA has been provided to help you understand the hazards in our area. 

An HVA template is provided to help you in conducting your HVA. Click on the attachment below to download the HVA template. Please contact the EVHC Program Office at (757) 963-0632 or via e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Last modified on Monday, 07 August 2023 14:49
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Our office is co-located with the Tidewater Emergency Medical Services Council (TEMS) at 1104 Madison Plaza, Chesapeake, Virginia 23320.


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The Eastern Virginia Healthcare Coalition is a collaboration of healthcare organizations and providers, public health departments, and community partners working together to care for our community before, during and after an emergency.

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