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EVHC Preparedness Plan

blue notebook binderThis plan establishes the goals and objectives for the Eastern Virginia Healthcare Coalition in meeting the 2017-2022 Health Care Preparedness and Response Capabilities, as well as directives from the Virginia Department of Health and the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association.

The Eastern Virginia Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Plan describes the short and long term goals, and expected outcomes in maintaining and refining the regions current capabilities for previously identified hazards, as well as addressing any remaining identified gaps or newly identified gaps for the five year budget period.

For the past several years the primary focus for funding and the strategic plan was on hospital preparedness, and to a lesser degree, long term care. With the introduction of the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule and with broader capabilities which span the healthcare spectrum, the goals of this plan will strive to meet the preparedness needs of all healthcare agencies and patient population types. These organizations will include but not limited to: Hospitals, Community Health Centers, Public Health, Emergency Medical Services, Long Term Care, Local Emergency Management, Non-Residential Provider and Community Service Boards. These organizations will be referred to collectively as Coalition Members.

The Eastern Virginia Healthcare Coalition Strategic and Operational Plan has been developed through input documents including emergency operation plans, hazard analysis, after action reports, and others, as well as input from the Coalition Workgroups: Exercise and Training, Regional Healthcare Coordination Center, and Executive Council. This plan was shared with EVHC members, and was adopted by a majority vote at the April 5, 2018 EVHC meeting. This plan will be reviewed and approved by the Coalition on an annual basis.

Last modified on Tuesday, 10 April 2018 20:34
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Our office is co-located with the Tidewater Emergency Medical Services Council (TEMS) at 1104 Madison Plaza, Chesapeake, Virginia 23320.


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The Eastern Virginia Healthcare Coalition is a collaboration of healthcare organizations and providers, public health departments, and community partners working together to care for our community before, during and after an emergency.

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