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EVHC News - Keeping Our Members Informed

newspaperThe Eastern Virginia Healthcare Coalition (EVHC) strives to keep our members informed of healthcare emergency preparedness news, training, exercises and other events that may have an impact on their respective healthcare organizations. The EVHC publishes two newsletters, the COVID Digest and the EVHC Ready. The current and several past editions of each newsletter can be downloaded from their respective web pages.

JOIN OUR LISTSERV to receive breaking healthcare emergency preparedness news and to receive the COVID DIgest and EVHC Ready newsletter when they are released. 

To subscribe to the EVHC LISTSERV go to:

Please contact the EVHC Program Office if you cannot locate an older edition of the EVHC Weekly Newsletter or other news item. The EVHC Program Office can be reached at (757) 963-0632.




Last modified on Tuesday, 27 July 2021 20:45
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Our office is co-located with the Tidewater Emergency Medical Services Council (TEMS) at 1104 Madison Plaza, Chesapeake, Virginia 23320.


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The Eastern Virginia Healthcare Coalition is a collaboration of healthcare organizations and providers, public health departments, and community partners working together to care for our community before, during and after an emergency.

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